Nthe book of psalms 83 war book

The missing prophecy revealed how israel becomes the next mideast superpower. Bill salus talks about the nations listed in psalm 83 and how that translates into today world and the nation of israel. Palistinian militant groups do not keep silent, o god. This remarkable prophecy by one of the greatest of ancient hebrew. While many of todays top bible experts are predicting that russia, iran, turkey. Like the five books of moses a cornerstone of the scriptural canon, the book of psalms has been a source of solace and joy for countless readers over millennia. Psalm 83 predicts a climactic, concluding arabisraeli war that has eluded the. In this segment, bill salus of prophecy depot ministries, who wrote the psalm 83themed book isralestine, will. This whole concept of a psalms 83 war has changed my view of the middleeast, for instance when the arab spring began to happen i said its getting set up for the psalm 83 war. See how your enemies growl, how your foes rear their heads.

Book i psalms 141 blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. A statement of the occasion for the prayer, to wit, the conspiracy or combination formed against his people, psalm 83. Introduction psalm 83 is one of the many topics debated today in bible prophecy circles. So let me start by offering my opinion as to why ezekiels prophecy is not on the verge of fulfillment and cannot be the next battle on israels horizon. Readers have asked me if psalm 83 has a place in the signposts. May 23, 2019 this is a future war that is described in psalm 83 in the bible.

Bill salus theorized that the israelis would win this war overwhelmingly resulting in peace for their nation, but the peace would be shortlived because. The most important difference is in who the named aggressors are and what happens to the attackers and israel as a result of both failed attacks. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult concurrunt magno impetu, conatu, et ardore, thine, because ours. Psalm 83 is the 83rd psalm of the biblical book of psalms. For some reason, most ministers, rabbis, priests, and pastors havent heard of or havent mentioned that there is a prophesied war of psalms 83 prior to ezekiel 38. The path that sweeps across the illustration is an infamous trail. The thesis of this book is that psalm 83 describes an end time war between israel and the nations that share a common border with it, namely lebanon, syria, jordan, egypt and the gaza strip.

The missing prophecy revealed where i address every objection that hes made, and. Thoughout the book i weave in these connections of who these people are through the research i have done. Bible, psalm 83, jesus christ, israel, bible verses, how to find out, this book. Tommy ice, who is the director of the pretrib research center, listed his objections against psalm 83 being about a future war. The growing unrest of the masses of muslims especially in egypt for a new president, for better living conditions, for jobs is spreading to. These enemies of israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover. There are substantial differences in these two wars. Do not hold your peace, and do not be still, o god. There are many similarities between psalm 79 and 83.

It is a fearful thing that the enemies of god feel they can arise, consolidate power and openly declare war. I cannot stress enough the fact that when these events unfold, biblical christians will have the blessed opportunity to share our faith with the jewish people as well as all naysayers who scoff at the bible, at the atoning work of the lord jesus christ on the cross of calvary that paid for mankinds sin, and the divine privilege that. Psalms 83 war a war prior to gogmagog war christian. A prayer that god would no longer keep still, or be silent, psalm 83.

Psalm 83, ezekiel 38, and the coming battles for israel. The israel defense forces idf were engaged in a war with the inhabitants of tyre. Many collections preceded this final compilation of. Moreover, isralestine explained why it was probably an entirely different event than the much popularized prophecy described in ezekiel 38 and 39, commonly called. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers. But for the simple sake of truth, love for the scriptures, and my dear friends in egypt, it was important to demonstrate some of the ways in which the popular view of psalm 83 is simply not in accord with the scriptures. This psalm psalm 79 has the same qualities that psalm 83 contains, yet, as far as i know, no one has stepped forward and declared it to be a separate war. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and.

Is psalm 83 a prophecy about an end time war between israel and its neighbors, or is it something else. Is there a correlation between psalm 83 and six day war that happened with israel answer. I know there are many books out there, but he seems to see things others miss. Psalm 83, the missing prophecy revealed how israel becomes. Middle east war, psalm 83 war are we living in the last days. We have seen alliances form between lifelong enemies russia and iran while at the same time countries like turkey move from leaning to the west to path of strategic alliance with russia and iran. Endtime experts are talking a lot about the gogmagog war of ezekiel 3839. My assessment is that whether the psalms 83 scripture indicates an actual war or is an imprecatory prayer for god to vanquish israels surrounding enemies, the attack on damascusif the destruction does come from an israeli attackand such a war wont happen until after the. Tony from nebraska asks if irvin believes that psalm 83 is related to the euphrates river war of revelation 9. A brilliant new translation and commentary of one of the bible s most cherished and powerful books. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the lord, and against his anointed, saying, acts 4. Interview with psalm 83 war book author bill salus.

Is there a correlation between psalm 83 and six day war. Psalm 83, the missing prophecy revealed how israel becomes the next. The psalm 83 prophecy tends to be a little obscure. An ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe israel off of the map. Psalm 83, ezekiel 38, and the coming battles for israel messianic. Asaph look in the introduction to the psalms of david book 3. Today, on the believers voice of victory broadcast, gloria copeland and billye brim reveal more prophecies in the book of psalms. Thomas ice recommends that the reader read both psalm 79 and 83 to have them freshly in mind before reading part 11 and onward. Considering psalm 83 is the only place within the entire book of psalms that israel and tyre appear together, this is an amazing discovery.

There are a few reasons why i do not think that this will take place prior to the final seven years or 70th week. These types of psalms generally have a complaint the psalmist is bringing to the lord, usually relating to sin by the people of israel or from enemies without. At that time psalms appears also to have been used as a title for the entire section of the hebrew ot canon more commonly known as the writings see lk 24. Psalms 83 commentary albert barnes notes on the whole bible.

Antichrist, armageddon, 666, tribulation, rapture, millennium, israel, second coming, mark. When do you think the war in psalm 83, prophetically, will. There is no description of a war or a conflict of any kind and no prophecy in. This may be the route that the people of judea take while fleeing into the mountains mark. There is nothing in psalm 83 that suggests the nations there do anything more than conspire against israel.

The imminent psalm 83 war advancing christs kingdom. The damascuspsalms 83 question terry james prophecy line. Psalm 83, the missing prophecy revealed how israel becomes the. By bill salus an ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe israel off of the map. Psalm 83 is a remarkable passage of scripture that talks about the enemies of israel conspiring together to make war on israel, but then are utterly defeated. Asaphs vision of a future war o god, do not remain silent. I hope bill will take the next step and also write a book on the gogmagog war too. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. So, i was intrigued by psalm 83 and, of course, the theme of the book is psalm 83, and i talk about how the psalm talks about these ten populations coming together with one. These enemies of israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and. There is a book written about psalm 83 and i have read that book and read through that passage over and over again and there are a couple of clues in this passage that show. The book also theorized that the psalm 83 prophecy appears to be an imminent event that should find fulfillment before the infamous seven year tribulation period commences.

An enumeration of the nations thus combined, psalm 83. My friend bill silas who was on the tbn forum with us is big believer that the 83 rd psalm foretells a war with israel and the arabs and that. Did you know that the book of psalms prophesies the future of syria. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing. Life after death experience nde with steve gardipee, vietnam war story one of the best ndes duration. We asked this question on our television show christ in prophecy of bill salus, author and radio host of prophecy depot, who believes the next war prophesied in end time bible prophecy is going to be the war described in psalm 83 bills background. Psalm 83 is surrounded by other national lament psalms that include. Psalm 83 the missing prophecy revealed, how israel. An israeli soldier and his girlfriend read from the book of psalms tehillim. In my new book mideast beast, i address this psalm and. Look after psalm 25 in book 1 of the psalms of david for more about the covenant.

Most of the muslims were allied with germany in world war ii. Hebrew the language that the jews spoke when they wrote the psalms of. Book and articles have been written and many christian talk shows have focused on this psalm. At the same time i would invite you get my book psalm 83. The war of psalm 83 continues to be newspaper exegesis fueled by the incessant unrest in the middle east. Some might consider this timely discovery coincidental, but i believe it was providential. The isaiah 17 destruction of damascus, syria might happen during this psalms 83 conflict.

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